My favorite medium these days is wool. The wool I use is natural sheep wool, hand dyed in many vibrant shades, sometimes mixed with silk, cotton yarn, and alpaka wool from animals I know by first name. Painting with wool requires a fresh way of seeing, combined with a very physical, intuitive technique developed by myself, to translate the imagined into a composition that is transformed like alchemy into its final form. Layers of color, detail and direction move, merge and melt into substance. Compositions emerge, drawn with soft organic fibers and turned into a one of a kind, dynamic, colorful, warm and natural piece of art that gets better with time.
Some of these wool paintings are available for purchase. I also create commissioned pieces inspired by you and your surroundings. Send a note to
Some of these wool paintings are available for purchase. I also create commissioned pieces inspired by you and your surroundings. Send a note to

ST. ELM / 2017 / natural and dyed sheep wool, silk, metallic cotton yarn / 125cm x 310cm

ST. ELM / 2017 / installation view

ST. ELM / 2017 / close-up detail

GARDEN / 2023 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool, acrylic paint / 102 x 102cm

COMPANY / 2021 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 140 x 120cm

DIRECTIONS #3 / 2023 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 60 x 64,5cm price upon request

DIRECTIONS #2 / 2023 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 72 x 68cm price upon request

DIRECTIONS #1 / 2023 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 90 x 70cm price upon request

CONNECTIONS / 2022 / silk, natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool, acrylic paint / 90 x 160cm price upon request

BALANCE / 2021 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 140 x 110cm

JOY / 2022 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 91,5 x 63,5cm

DEPTH / 2022 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 91,5 x 63,5cm price upon request

in process...

SUNRISE/SUNSET / 2022 / carpet / natural and dyed sheep, silk, alpaka & bamboo wool, glitter & acrylic paint / private commission / 150 x 320cm

SUNRISE/SUNSET at its new home...

ATTRACTION / 2021 / natural and dyed sheep and alpaka wool / 105 x 135cm

ABOVE & BELOW / 2019 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 138cm x 108cm

WIND / 2019 / natural and dyed sheep wool, cotton yarn / 120cm x 80cm

PARADISE / 2018 / natural and dyed sheep wool, alpaka wool, cotton fabric, silk / 130cm x 110cm

BLOOM / 2018 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 60cm x 50cm sold

WIND / 2018 / installation view

CABARETE / 2018 / natural and dyed sheep wool, alpaka wool / 100cm x 130cm

CABARETE / 2018 / close up on work in progress

SNOW / 2018 / installation view

STRIPES / 2017 / natural and dyed sheep wool, acrylic paint / 25cm x 40cm

AFTER THE STORM / 2017 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 80cm x 65cm price upon request

NYC 42nd STREET / 2017 / natural and dyed sheep wool, cotton yarn / 80cm x 100cm

TRAMUNTANA / 2018 / natural and dyed sheep wool / 80cm x 100cm

GINGER / 2017 / Sheep Wool & Cotton Yarn / 50 x 70cm